Fall Allergies and Sinusitis


The first step in treating fall allergies and sinusitis is to ensure you have as little exposure to allergens as possible. If your symptoms last for more than a week, see a doctor for a diagnosis. Some symptoms of sinusitis include nasal congestion, nasal discharge, bad breath, and discolored mucus.

Sinus infections, which are caused by viruses, typically clear up within a week to ten days. Self-care measures like drinking lots of water and taking decongestants can help relieve the symptoms. If symptoms persist, however, antibiotics may be necessary. A doctor can also prescribe medications to treat your infection.

Another common symptom of seasonal allergies is a throbbing headache. The colder the weather, the worse your symptoms will be. Symptoms of sinusitis may include a runny nose and pain around the ears. These symptoms are caused by inflammation in the mucous membrane that lines the sinuses.

A sinus infection can also be life-threatening if it spreads to the brain. Normally, your sinuses are lined with mucus that traps germs and dust and sweeps towards the throat and digestive system. However, during a sinus infection, mucus builds up in the nasal cavity and causes congestion. In severe cases, a sinus infection can cause a sore throat and cough.

Pollen is the most common allergen that can cause allergies. The pollen is a fine powder that is very easy to inhale. Pollen can also trigger an allergic response and lead to a sinus infection. Pollen is a common cause of fall allergies and sinusitis.

While allergies and sinusitis are not always related, they often co-exist. Allergies can be caused by the same allergens and can lead to nasal congestion and fever. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor for a diagnosis. It is important to understand the difference between allergies and sinusitis so you can take the appropriate action.

There are several treatments for fall allergies and sinusitis. Over-the-counter nasal sprays and allergy shots can help reduce the inflammation in your sinuses. If your sinus infection is bacterial, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. You can also undergo a surgical procedure called balloon sinuplasty, which uses small balloons to widen the sinus opening. This procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and results in less pain and bleeding and a faster recovery.

Many people suffer from allergies, including hay fever, during the fall season. Many people experience nasal congestion, itchy sinuses, and headaches. If you experience sinusitis during the fall, see your doctor for a diagnosis. It is important to avoid allergens during the allergy season.

Another way to identify the cause of a sinus infection is by obtaining a sample of mucus from your sinuses. Most mucus samples are taken from the nose, but in some cases they need to be taken from the sinuses. Identifying the exact type of bacteria causing the infection is important because this will help you choose the right antibiotic therapy. You may also experience a sinus infection caused by fungus, in which case you will need to take antifungal medications.

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