Facts About Skin Care Laser Treatment


Before you schedule a skin care laser treatment, it’s important to understand the benefits and risks of laser therapy. First, remember that the laser therapy will remove targeted skin cells and results may take weeks to notice. It is best to refrain from smoking for two weeks before your session, and to stop using any skin care products with retinoids or glycolic acid. You should also avoid prolonged sun exposure, and use sunblock when outdoors. You may need to take antibiotics for a while after your laser treatment, and you should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun for a few weeks following treatment. A laser treatment may also help reduce the appearance of scars.

After a laser treatment, you’ll likely notice some redness or swelling after the procedure. While these effects will be temporary, the area will need a few days to recover. It may take up to five days before you can resume regular activities, and you will be required to apply petroleum jelly to the area to prevent scabs from forming. In general, the recovery time from a laser treatment can range from five to 21 days.

In addition to improving the appearance of your skin, laser resurfacing can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can also diminish the appearance of enlarged pores. Some patients combine laser resurfacing with another cosmetic procedure, such as a facelift. Botox and fillers are often used together for added results. You can also choose to combine your laser treatment with other cosmetic procedures, such as Botox to reduce frown lines or collagen-stimulating fillers to smooth out sagging skin.

Although laser treatments can seem like futuristic technology, they have been around for decades. These treatments have been refined over the years to make them safer and more effective. Unfortunately, people have many misconceptions about skin care laser treatments. Before you decide to undergo your next skin treatment, read this article for more facts about skin care laser treatments. Once you have a thorough understanding of the risks, you can make an informed decision. This information will help you make a smart decision and benefit from a skin care laser treatment. If you’ve been debating whether or not to undergo a laser treatment, make sure to ask your skin care professional about this procedure.

Laser treatment is risky without the proper medical knowledge and experience. Never undergo any skin care laser treatment without consulting with a dermatologist. Even if someone claims to be able to remove scars with laser treatment, it’s best to get a consultation with a dermatologist first. Your dermatologist will also want to know what medications or supplements you are taking, as your physician may need to temporarily suspend these. You’ll be charged for each treatment.

The different types of skin care laser treatments vary in what they do to the skin and how deep they penetrate. Ablative laser treatments remove the outermost layer of skin and encourage new skin cells to replace the old ones. These treatments are most commonly used to remove deep wrinkles and significant texture problems. However, they can leave the skin vulnerable and sensitive. Afterward, you should protect the area with sunscreen to avoid sun exposure. Your skin may be a little irritated, but it will heal much faster.

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